Thursday, February 18, 2010

Fort Worth & Chesapeake Energy Are Conspiring To Take Away The Life, Liberty & Pursuit Of Happiness Of Steve Doeung

That is Fort Worth's #1 Lone Ranger, Steve Doeung, armed for battle against the Fascist powers attacking him.

A couple days ago I realized I'd sort of stuck my head back in the sand, tired of being a fruitless ostrich, howling at the moon. I'm one of the naive sorts who think if you point out something obviously wrong, that the obvious wrong will get rectified. Sometimes it does. But more often not.

Like if you explain what Conflicts of Interest are and how the Mayor of Fort Worth, Mike Moncrief, makes more than $600,000 a year from the various Barnett Shale Natural Gas Drillers operating in the town of which he is mayor, and who does not recuse himself from decision making regarding the gas drillers, well, this is what is known as criminal activity, possibly even racketeering.

Minimally Mike Moncrief should be removed from office. Ideally, removed from office, brought to trial, convicted and imprisoned with a healthy multi-million dollar fine.

I don't know why the federal government, via the FBI does not do something. Then again, Texas is now a state willing to sue the federal government, as in the EPA, to try and put a stop to the federal government's attempts to get Texas to stop being so environmentally irresponsible.

The various Texas state agencies, like the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality, show little concern, if any, regarding the air pollution issues which have arisen from the Barnett Shale drilling and how that pollution is affecting the health of Texans. Even after troubling statistics crop up, such as something like 25% of Barnett Shale kids have asthma, while the non-Barnett Shale kids of Texas have a 7% asthma rate.

So, the state of Texas decides to deal with the pollution problem by suing the federal agency that is trying to look out for the best interests of the majority of Texans, not just those Texans making money by poking holes in the ground.

Now, back to Steve Doeung, Fort Worth's #1 Lone Ranger. He is due to be back in court, to face Chesapeake Energy and the City of Forth Worth, again, in a few weeks, in his solo fight to stop the abuse of eminent domain to take his property so that an un-odorized natural gas pipeline can be run under his house.

Would you like an un-odorized natural gas pipeline under your house?

How would you feel about eminent domain being abused, in cahoots with the city you live in, to attack you in this way?

How would you feel if, after you resisted the attempt to take your property, the city attempted to intimidate you by ordering a Goon Squad of Code Inspectors, along with Fort Worth Gestapo Stormtroopers to invade your house, terrify your kids, issuing all sorts of bogus "code violations?"

If Steve Doeung had committed a crime, I don't know, like if he had invaded someone's home to intimidate someone, Steve would be provided with legal assistance. But here we have Steve being attacked by what is widely believed to be a very corrupt, likely to a criminal level, corporation called Chesapeake Energy, in cooperation with the City of Fort Worth, which is also corrupt, and there is no legal help available for Steve Doeung.

A wise man once supposedly said, "What you do to the least among us, you do unto me."

Is there not one single lawyer in all of North Texas, or America, willing to help Steve Doeung in his fight to keep his home safe?

Is there not one lawyer, anywhere, who can see the possibility of helping Steve Doeung bring a counter-suit against Chesapeake Energy and the City of Fort Worth? Just go from the city ordered home invasion and build from there.

In the oft chance that 60 Minutes has someone watching for Google Alerts that mention 60 Minutes. Well, here in Fort Worth we've got a story that the rest of America needs to know about. We've got a man named Steve Doeung, who came to America to escape the Khmer Rouge, who is now under an equally insidious attack in his adopted country, America, a place Steve Doeung believed really was about Truth, Justice and something called the American Way, that American Way being a country where we can speak our mind to fight for our rights.

Ever heard of the phrase "Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness?" Those 3 concepts are at the base of our rights as Americans. Without fearing repercussion you can not trifle with the Life of an American. You can not trifle with the Liberty of an American. You can not trifle with the Pursuit of Happiness of an American.

In Fort Worth, Texas, which is part of America, the City of Fort Worth and its partner, Chesapeake Energy, has conspired to extremely trifle with the Life, Liberty and Pursuit of Happiness of American, Steve Doeung.

There will be repercussions.

This trifling with Steve Doeung needs to stop. Why is this case even being allowed to continue, after Chesapeake Energy admitted there was another route for the pipeline, one which would not go under homes? Why has this case not been thrown out?

I am tired of being perplexed.

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