Friday, February 26, 2010

Texas Eminent Domain Abuse: Willow Park Sewer Plant Coming To Aledo

In this week's FW Weekly Billy Mitchell has a new Anti Eminent Domain Abuse ad. The new ad is a full page on the inside cover. And on the opposite page is last week's half page ad.

When you attend next Thursday's Downtown Fort Worth Rally, in support of Steve Doeung and Carter Avenue in their battle against Chesapeake Energy's abuse of eminent domain, you will find that Billy Mitchell is one of the featured speakers.

Below is what Billy Mitchell had to say in this week's FW Weekly....

Eminent domain is so easy under Governor Rick Perry, that the City of Willow Park used it to try to put their sewer plant in ANNETTA NORTH's jurisdiction. RIGHT NOW Willow Park has an application filed with TCEQ to put their sewer plant in THE CITY OF ALEDO's jurisdiction (mighty neighborly!) Willow Park also used eminent domain to acquire a private water system that is not even close to their city limits, but is inside THE CITY OF ANNETTA and ANNETTA SOUTH. These selfish deeds were done against the will and without the consent of these cities. (Does Willow Park know where their city limit ends?)

Willow Park filed fee simple eminent domain on my family's farm and mineral rights at $6,500 an acre. FEE SIMPLE TITLE means they are going after everything including mineral rights. They saw a drilling rig preparing to drill a gas well on my property and asked if we own the mineral rights (maybe this is why they wrote FEE SIMPLE TITLE in the eminent domain papers!)

My family has owned this land for over forty years, it is in Aledo ISD, has a stock tank, multiple building sites, 100 year old pecan trees, Trinity River frontage, a coastal hay field, a sudan hay field, and a producing gas well ($6,500 an acre using Texas eminent domain law and a Parker County court.)

Willow Park informed me that they are leaving my family the building sites next to the sewer plant (how generous!) No guarantee of access, but we get to keep the home sites next to the sewer plant. (Just what I have always wanted, a home with no access, next to a sewer plant.)

Willow Park wrote in a certified letter to my family, "We are aware of your need to preserve adequate ingress and egress to the remainder of your property, and we will make every effort to try to meet your needs. The flexibility we have in doing this will be tempered by the City's obligations to maintain the integrity of our sewer site." (Maybe we can use Willow Park's airspace and fly to our home site with our cow suspended from a helicopter!)

Friendly criticism suggests I not use the word CRAP in my ads but use the word BULL instead. Another friend suggests, "Is Rick Perry a True Blue Conservative or Just Another Big Spending Politician?" These two suggestions do not communicate my true feelings toward Willow Park or Governor Rick Perry. I believe Rick Perry is beyond "Another Big Spending Politician." I believe the eminent domain abuse under Rick Perry and his political appointments to his campaign donors is "CRIMINAL."

For more on eminent domain in Parker County visit:


Be sure to see the pictures.


  1. Wow, well put Billy Mitchell. We need more people like him and you Durango to produce a chorus of protest that Gov. Goodhair and other abusers and criminals cannot ignore. Can't the DA or the AG file criminal charges for these thefts and robberies? They do have economic crimes departments, you know.

  2. I was wondering of a person could take out the term "Fee Simple"? Why can't you keep your minerals even if they do take the surface?
