Wednesday, February 24, 2010

The Texas Bucket List Of Things All Texans Should Do Before They Die

Yes, that is me on the cover of an upcoming issue of Texas Monthly that is all about the Texas Bucket List, that being 63 things all Texans should do before they die, also known as kick the bucket.

I have no idea what is on the Texas Bucket List.

Hike to the top of Enchanted Rock? Play with the dolphins swimming in the gulf at Port Aransas? Visit one of the other 49 states?

Or is the list made up of things like pick up at least one piece of litter before you die?

Or every Texan should go on a diet at least once before they die?

Every Texan should try a seafood other than catfish before they die?

Every Texan should vote at least once before they die?

Every Texan should be comic fodder on a Reality TV Show before they die?

Every Texan should watch a football game before they die?

My imagination is running at a very low ebb today. I've run out of ideas of things Texans need to do before they die.


  1. That is not you, that guy is too skinny to be you.

  2. Anonymous---
    What are you saying? I am fat? I can guarantee that guy in the picture is me. The year that picture was taken may be up for debate.

  3. So, have you actually visited Durango, Texas? Are you possible from Durango, Texas?

  4. Yes, Melanie, I have actually visited Durango, Texas. But I am not from Durango, Texas.

  5. Yes, Melanie, I have actually visited Durango, Texas. But I am not from Durango, Texas.
