Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Having A Cerebral Blood Flow Woe While Thinking About Skinny Dipping With John Quincy Adams

That is not a plastic bag stuck in a tree. It is a big white bird perched in a Fosdic Lake tree at Oakland Lake Park.

As you can see, blue sky has returned, after yesterday's unpleasantness with gray skies, freezing temperatures and snow.

It is in the 50s out there right now a little after 5.

I was up in Southlake today during the period of my regular habitual walking.

Did you know that John Quincy Adams took a daily constitutional, in the form of a brisk 2 or 3 mile walk? In summer John Quincy Adams would go skinny dipping in the Potomac River.

Harry S Truman was also a heavy duty walker. Harry let members of the press walk with him, but few could keep up. I think it highly unlikely Harry S Truman ever went skinny dipping in the Potomac. I think by the time Harry was President the White House had a pool.

Anyway, back to me. After lunch I was determined to get a blogging written about a subject important to me. And then publish it when I got the go ahead.

Early this morning, while doing yoga, I came up with all sorts of really clever bombastic rhetoric. I thought to myself, I should be writing this stuff down. But that is hard to do when you are in the reverse plough position. I thought to myself, this is such good stuff, there is no way I'll forget.

But, post lunch, when I went to write, my brainpan had gone sluggish, due, I suspect, to diminished cerebral bloodflow due to that digestion business taking place.

So, I decided to get out of here and walk around Fosdic Lake, hoping to get the blood flowing again.

That was an hour ago. I'm feeling sort of recovered from my post-lunch sluggish state.

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