Saturday, February 20, 2010

Protesting Injustice In Pecos & Fort Worth Texas

Last night the Queen of Wink blogged about school kids in Pecos, Texas refusing to go to school in protest over the firing of the school's Athletic Director, last name Hensen. I do not know if Hensen has a first name. The Queen did not mention it.

Apparently the Kermit ISD School Board in the notorious town of Kermit, Texas, booted their Superintendent, last name Lujan. Again, I don't know if Lujan has a first name. The Queen did not mention it.

The Lujan guy somehow landed a new Superintendent job a short distance away, in Pecos, where he continued his bad boy ways with the ouster of the well liked Athletic Director.

Which led to Pecos kids refusing to return to school.

That is quite a display of gumption on the part of those West Texas Pecos kids. Very impressive.

The Queen of Wink makes a very good point. As in there are issues here in Fort Worth and its surrounding areas that it would seem would cause citizens to rise up in protest.

Case in point. Chesapeake Energy and its lapdog, the City of Fort Worth, continues its unwarranted, outrageous, uncivilized, indecent, fascist, corrupt, unfair persecution of Steve Doeung.

On March 4 Steve Doeung is back in court, fighting Chesapeake Energy's abuse of eminent domain, in their attempt to install a non-odorized natural gas pipeline under Steve Doeung's home.

Now, I am thinking here with my Pacific Northwest mindset, where protesting is a way of life. You may have seen some of that going on at the Vancouver Olympics. If what is being done to Steve Doeung were happening in the Pacific Northwest, and trust me on this, nothing like this would happen up there, but if it did, you would see large numbers of people protesting the trampling of one American's Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness by corporate and government thuggery.

I'm thinking a very large group needs to be causing a ruckus in downtown Fort Worth on March 4. Anyone agree?


  1. Agreed totally. And if "native Texans"--what's the standard for this designation?--won't/can't do it THEN all the "volunteers" from other areas should do it---JUST LIKE DURING THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION AND AT THE ORIGINAL ALAMO.

  2. I concur! It'll be a twelve hour trip for me...there and back...but I'm willing and able to go.

  3. Yes, we plan on being there!
