Saturday, February 20, 2010

FileZilla Quit Being A Monster & Cooperated With Me

Saturday is off to a good, early start. As in I got up before 5.

I was vexed all day yesterday by being unable to FTP website files to a Yahoo Business account. By day's end I had downloaded and installed 4 different FTP programs.

To no avail.

In all the years I've been doing this Internet stuff I'd never had any problem with FTP. Nor with uploading files to a website that wasn't cooperating.

Anyway, this morning I re-started my computer, then re-started the FileZilla FTP program, that Yahoo recommends. Why Yahoo recommends this program, I do not know. It is very clunky to use, unlike my good, long lasting WS FTP program that's worked fine for years.

But, clunky as FileZilla was, I successfully connected and uploaded the fixes.

So, now the sun is up, the birds are chirping, it's 52 degrees, and I'm going swimming after it gets a bit brighter out there.

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