Tuesday, February 16, 2010

I'm Having Myself A Groundhog Day In Texas With Wildflowers

Some days I think I'm Bill Murray in Groundhog Day, living the same day over and over again, making little changes, hoping for a different day tomorrow.

Today is a Groundhog Day. Pool in the morning, too many hours at the computer, a going stir crazy walk around Fosdic Lake at Oakland Lake Park, just like yesterday.

And now I'm back here, getting annoying phone calls from someone who can't figure out how to set up their email.

Anyway, we've had a spike in the temperature. I wore no coat today. As I walked along I looked up and saw what looked like Mount Rainier in the distance. It was a very momentary illusion.

I was over at Miss Puerto Rico's on Valentines Day. She'd asked me to come over because she had a cherry flavored adult beverage for me. I thought it was cough syrup.

She had the Olympics on. She had not realized Vancouver was so close to where I used to live. The Cascade mountain scenery in British Columbia is pretty much the same as the Washington Cascade mountain scenery.

At one point Miss Puerto Rico says I have to ask you something. How could you move from that (pointing at the TV) to Texas? What do you mean, I asked? How could you live with all that snow all the time and then move to Texas?

She was operating under the assumption that everything up there is covered with snow and trees. I don't think she understood when I explained where I lived in Washington, usually, it was way warmer than Texas in winter, at least this winter in Texas. I tried to explain how there were really diverse climate zones within a small area up in the Washington region, but I gave up. Language barrier.

I saw a couple more wildflowers already coloring up the Texas winter today. A blue flower and a purple one.

The Winkies are continuing to be all kinds of kooky in comments to a blogging about the Wink Sinkholes. I think I mentioned that this morning. Now I've got the newly renamed, former Gar the Texan, now known as Garth Vader the Texan, commenting as Midland Molly in some sort of perverse attempt to make some point about being anonymous.

It is all very perplexing.


  1. You may be surprised to learn that with the unusually warm winter we've had, that many trees and shrubs here are blooming and trees everywhere are budding. Crocus are starting to bloom. Hope we don't have a hard freeze!

  2. Kimberly Bellingham---
    I'd read the Skagit Valley had its warmest January on record and buds were sprouting, but I'd not read that Whatcom County was warmer too. I'm guessing you've not been hit with a Northeaster blowing in from Canada this winter. The Skagit Valley was usually spared those.
