Saturday, February 27, 2010

A Balmy Last Saturday Of February In Fort Worth

As you can see we are having a blue sky Saturday here in Fort Worth, Texas. A warm blue sky Saturday. 60 degrees warm. It feels almost tropical.

The balmy temperatures had a lot of people playing in Oakland Lake Park. Including a group playing baseball. A sure sign Spring will soon be here.

I forgot to notice if the turtles had come back out of hibernation. I'm sure they have.

I also forgot to mention that I took my daily constitutional at Oakland Lake Park, my new default walking location, til the Tandy Hills dry out. Maybe I'll see if the Tandy Hills are dry enough for foot traffic tomorrow.

You're looking at Little Fosdic Lake in the picture. It is south of Fosdic Lake. It caught my eye today because it was being so blue and there were 2 big ducks and 2 baby ducks merrily quacking away on Little Fosdic Lake. By the time I whipped my camera out of my pocket and turned it on, the duck family nervously began to exit the lake. By the time I managed to snap a picture the ducks had made shore.

My therapist, Dr. L.C., has gone missing. I'm concerned.

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