Thursday, January 7, 2010

I Beat The Scrabble Queen Of Washington Again!

I'm so happy. I beat the Scrabble Queen of Washington at Facebook Scrabble for the 2nd time ever. I don't know if this means I am getting better at it or if the Scrabble Queen has grown bored with how unchallenging I am, Scrabble-wise.

I find Scrabble works a part of my brain that is likely dormant most of the time. The same part of my brain that processes a complex math problem. Complex math problems are something my erratically developed brain has never been good at.

When you win a game of Facebook Scrabble you have the option of going for a re-match. I did so. My first word was "vexer." Worth, if I remember right, and again that erratically developed brain and memory storage is in play, but I think I got 32 points for "vexer."

So, I am well on my way to another stunning Scrabble win. Most likely not though.

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