Thursday, January 7, 2010

An Almost Sub-Zero Hike On Fort Worth's Tandy Hills

I now know what it is like to hike the Tandy Hills Natural Sanatorium Area when the wind is blowing hard making the 21 degree temperature feel like 3 degrees.

I overheated. I shed a layer. Then get chilled. Then add back a layer.

I started out with knitted fingertip less gloves. Those were quickly replaced by ski gloves. Getting the ski gloves off to take a picture and then back on brought, back deja vu memories of using the ski gloves to actually ski where there are actually mountains.

I don't know how many calories get burned whilst out in such extreme temperatures doing such extreme activity, but looking at the picture, it appears I don't look anywhere near as fat a Fat Boy as I was yesterday. I'm a real fast dieter.

A really strange thing about the Tandy Hills today. I was on the same trails yesterday, when it was in the 40s. I did not pick up much mud on my hiking boots. Today the temperature was near zero, yet the ground was not frozen, for the most part, and it was oozing mud. A lot of mud. Some strange geological occurrence, I'm sure, that Jovo the Scientist could likely explain, but which just left me perplexed.

When I was done with my Chill Therapy I took the Beach Street route back to my abode, so that I could check on the Trinity River Water Thieves. Nothing going on there today. But speaking of that operation, yesterday's blogging about that operation (click on the Trinity River Water Thieves link to go there) generated one of my favorite Anonymous comments in a long time.

I suspect the Anonymous comment was penned by Fort Worth's corrupt Mayor Mike Moncrief or one of his lackeys. Lord knows he has a lot of lackeys. All on the Gas Driller Take.

The comment from the Anonymous Mike seemed, quite honestly, to have no clue what he was talking about. I felt it was rather reactionary and that Anonymous could benefit from educating himself a bit more on the subject about which he was pontificating.

I'll blog about the Anonymous comment from Mayor Mike (or one of his lackeys) later, but I've got some other stuff to do and writing that blogging will be my treat for getting the other stuff done.

Talk to you later. And you missed a real good Tomato Soup, BBQed Skinless Boneless Chicken Breast & Cherry Tomato Sweet Chili Walnut Salad for lunch.

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