Wednesday, December 2, 2009

We Are Freezing & Snowing On December 2 In Fort Worth Texas

No swimming for me this morning. We are freezing here in Fort Worth, Texas.

We are not only freezing, we are snowing. The 20% chance of snow was not supposed to happen for another 24 hours. Or so I thought.

It's coming down real hard, sort of like the snow version of a Texas downpour in rain form.

I'd planned to go up to Southlake today. But I don't see that happening if it gets real icy out there. Texans are like Puget Sounders. They don't get all that much experience with driving in icy conditions so there can be some driving road hazards out there.

I'll go see if I can get a picture of the blizzard.

Well, you can see some of the snowflakes. And you can see that it is looking very wintry here in Fort Worth this second day of December. WeatherBug just went off with a freeze warning from the National Weather Service, with the warning lasting through 9am Thursday. Brrrrr.

Took another picture a half hour after the above one.

Ten minutes after the above picture was taken the snow quit coming down like a blizzard, now it's coming down like a snow drizzle.

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