Wednesday, December 2, 2009

A Cold Wind Blows A Stormy Snowy Sky This Afternoon In Texas

You are in Southlake, Texas in this picture. Heading south on Davis Boulevard a few minutes before one in the afternoon.

As you can see, we are having ourselves some weather here today.

At my usual go to the pool for a swim time in the morning it was below freezing and snowing hard. I suppose I should have given it a try, having never swam in a freezing snowstorm before, but I somehow couldn't motivate myself sufficiently.

It has warmed up to a balmy 43. With the steady wind's wind chill factor making it feel like 35. More snow is in our forecast. I've got my cross country skis out, waxed and ready to go.

1 comment:

  1. I'm planning on snowboarding in the Tandy Hills myself! Kowabunga - big air, dude!
