Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Fort Worth Mayor Mike Moncrief Agrees To Use His Ill Gotten Conflict Of Interest Gains To Fund The Fosdic Lake Dam Vision

I had a long talk with Fort Worth Mayor Mike Moncrief this morning. That's why I've been absent from blogging world. Thank you for the concerned messages inquiring about my well being due to my absence.

It took a couple hours of going through it, step by step, but as we neared hour 3 the good mayor finally began to understand what a Conflict of Interest is and why not having Conflicts of Interest by government officials is a key part of good, honest government.

I do not understand why no one explained what a Conflict of Interest is to the good mayor, til now. Mike told me the Fort Worth City Attorney had told him he had no Conflicts of Interest. I asked the mayor why he asked the City Attorney if he had Conflicts of Interest if he did not know what a Conflict of Interest was.

The mayor said he got tired of people telling him he had a bad ethics problem due to violating Conflict of Interest laws, hence the question to the City Attorney.

After Mayor Moncrief understood why it was wrong for him to be taking over $600,000 a year from the Natural Gas Companies drilling in the Barnett Shale in Fort Worth he asked me how he could possibly make it up to the people of Fort Worth.

I told the mayor I'd estimated he'd made approximately $4 million from the Natural Gas Drillers since he became mayor.

I then told Mayor Moncrief about my Fosdic Lake Dam Vision and that I estimated the Fosdic Lake Dam Vision could be a reality for between $3 & $4 million. I suggested he bank roll the vision as a gift to the citizens of Fort Worth.

Mayor Moncrief was instantly sold on the idea of using the money he'd gotten due to his Conflicts of Interest to clean up Fosdic Lake and turn it into a swimmable, fishable, boatable lake for the people of Fort Worth.

I need to get ahold of Kay Granger and get her on board with the Fosdic Lake Dam Vision. Anyone know if she has any more unemployed kids? The Fosdic Lake Dam Vision is going to need someone to run the project.

That is a picture of one of the proposed Fosdic Lake aerators at the top.


  1. Did you catch the swine flu, Durango? It's a bad idea to blog while one is under the influence or delirious. Or else, you have one wild @#$% imagination. I guess miracles can and do happen sometimes, but not likely here,tho.

  2. Dear Mr. Durango: No I do not have any unemployed sons, but I share your vision. Let's combine our visions: I want to adopt you as my very own son. Your name will be Jedadiah Rogue Granger or J.R. to me your loving mama. Love, Kay G.

  3. Anonymous---
    No, I've not contracted the Swine Flu. But I do have a very active alternative universe dream life that I sometimes confuse with daytime reality.

  4. Kay G.---
    Thank you very much for your kind offer. And for sharing my vision. Now, I've got to think of a nice way to break it to my mom that I'm trading her in for a new Texas mom.


  5. Totally rad negotiating skills you have there. Beware of teh Kay though.

  6. Thanks TXsharon. It wasn't really negotiating skills as much as I don't think anyone realized before that you have to explain things really slow to Mayor Moncrief, step by step. And then he gets it.

    As for my new mom, so far she seems okay. She likes it when I call her Big Mama.

  7. At least two and maybe three natural gas drilling sites near me are pumping water from the Trinity. Or they are preparing to do so.

    The water lines have been laid. The sites are near River Oaks and the Brookside area of Fort Worth. They're all right off of White Settlement Road.

  8. J.R., darling. Please tell this commentor from River Oaks that your brother J.D. (Jeremiah Durango) is the boss of all the Trinity River. You have super-vision only over the Fosdic Lake water. Thanks and kisses--Your Big Sugar Mama.(K.G.)

  9. Thanks Big Sugar Mama---Would you please tell my brother, J.D., that water is being stolen from the Trinity River in the River Oaks zone?

    Thanks in advance,

  10. It's not stolen if money changes hands and backs get scratched, etc.

  11. Most Recent Anonymous---
    Money changed hands, backs got scratched, conflict of interest laws got and are being broken.

  12. JD said not to worry your little heart because "I'm getting taken care of real good". see, he's gotten it "taken care of", J.R. He was kind enough to offer getting you waterboarded. Getting on that board would take you places, you know. Love, B.S. Mama.

  13. B.S. Mama---
    My brother, J.D., is now threatening me with waterboarding? What sorta Mama are you to have raised a son like this? I'm appalled.
