Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Another Tandy Hills Fort Worth Police Encounter With A Horse

I've had myself an all jumbled up day. It started off okay with a nice cool dip in the pool. Followed by that lengthy meeting with Fort Worth Mayor Moncrief I mentioned earlier. I did not get around to having lunch til 2.

I'm under my therapist, Dr. L.C.'s, orders to get heavy duty aerobic exercise every day to try and reverse my weight gain and lower my blood pressure.

So, today was the 4th day in a row to hike the Tandy Hills. This afternoon I decided to park by the Tandy Tower at the east entry to the Tandy Hills Natural Sanatorium Area. As you can see in the photo above I was greeted by a Fort Worth Police Car. My fear of a Gestapo encounter increased my heartbeat before I did anything aerobic.

I saw another car parked closer to Tandy Tower. I figured the cop must be chasing someone into the hills. I started heading that way, then heard a noise behind me, someone shouting. I turned to see the Fort Worth Cop.

No. He was not shouting at me. He was shouting at a horse. Trying to get the horse to enter the fenced area of the broadcast buildings. Eventually he succeeded and corralled the horse inside the fenced area you see in the picture.

After the successful corralling the cop walked back towards his cop car. I was concerned I was going to be an object of attention due to some illegal parking issue. And I was not wearing my seatbelt.

So, I said howdy to the cop and asked what the deal was with the horse. He said there'd been reports of a horse running wild in the neighborhood. I told him I'd seen a lot of hoofprints the last time I hiked the Tandy Hills. I think I mentioned that previously, and the fact that posted signs clearly say "No Horses." Apparently this horse does not follow rules and has no respect for authority.

About an hour later I was done with the hiking. As my vehicle came into view I saw the cop had moved his car closer to the horse. What appeared to be a police truck pulling a horse paddy wagon was driving in.

A cop wrangler in a cowboy hat got out of the cop truck.

I did not stay around to see the horse get wrangled. I hope this all has a happy ending and a home is found for the apparently abandoned horse.


  1. Sure hope they didn't tase the free-spirited creature with four legs like they do those with just two legs. Guess this law breaker is more of a threat to the community than land and water thieves using the law and the courts, huh? Can you bring this topic up at tomorrow's coffee with your new BFF Mikey?

  2. Mr. Durango, Annie will be more than tickled orange to give that poor lost horse a home. :)

    If law breaking horse doesn't have a place to go, I do know a couple of Wolf Brothers with a Ranch outside of Wink that would be willing to adopt the law breaker.

  3. Anonymous---
    I asked Mikey about the water thieving and yesterday's apprehended horse. He claims to know nothing about either.

  4. CT2---
    I don't know what became of the horse or when its court date is.

  5. Did y'all drink coffee or Kool-aid cuz that can make a big difference in the mayor's mental functioning.

  6. Anonymous---
    When Mike asked if I'd like something to drink I said Grape Kool-Aid would be nice. He said that's not funny. I said, yeah it was. We had coffee. Mike takes his with whiskey.

  7. Are you trying to give hints that you want a pony for Christmas, JR? You be nice to the mayor and he'll probably give you one of the well-trained FWPD ponies. I might even get him to make you an honorary police officer, kind of like what Nixon did for Elvis. Would you like that, honeybunch?--Hugs and kisses, your B.S. Mama KG.

  8. B.S. Mama---
    I'd love to be an honorary member of the Fort Worth Gestapo. Can you really make that happen? Do I get to have my own taser?

  9. Yes, the mayor promised me that you will be tased--soon. Isn't that just so exciting? --B.S. Mama.

  10. B.S. Mama---
    This is not the first time I've been threatened with a tasering.
