Sunday, November 8, 2009

Stopping Explosion Noises, Colorful Fosdic Lake Trees & Chili Delivery

That is Fosdic Lake at Oakland Lake Park, at noon, this Sunday in Fort Worth, Texas. Each day as we get closer to the first freeze of the fall, the leaves get more and more colorful.

Swimming was pleasant this morning. Day after day in the 70s and the water is no longer very bracing. I'm a big fan of bracing.

I heard from one of my favorite Washington corespondents this morning, Miss CVB, pleading with me to shut up an explosion sound my blog was making. Others have also mentioned this to me, but since I heard no noise, I did nothing about it.

Til this morning. When I hear a complaint from Miss CVB I take it serious. She does not complain frivolously. Apparently the video of the Bushland, Texas explosion was auto-starting and looping over and over. I removed the video as soon as I realized how offensive it was to delicate ears. That and I hate it when websites or blogs make noises without me telling them to.

So, that is my exciting day in Texas this fine second Sunday of November. I made chili this morning, at 4 I'm bringing a bowl over to Miss Puerto Rico's. She is a fan of the jalapeno.

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