Sunday, November 8, 2009

Sergeant Skinner Is Real Upset About Texas Trash

My blogs get a lot of comments. For the most part the commenter is not upset about whatever he or she is commenting on. Often the commenter is sending some useful information.

Like this morning TxMoose pointed me towards HootSuite in a comment to a blogging where I was lamenting my troubles with Twittering.

My Eyes on Texas website gets more comments than the blogs. Often the commenter lands on a specific page due to a Google search and then comments on that specific page thinking it is an entire website.

In addition to TxMoose, this morning I also heard from the ubiquitous Anonymous and Sgt. Nick Skinner.

First, Nick Skinner's comment, followed by Anonymous....

What an extremely biased web page. You show some of the worst places in Texas yet show an intersection in Washington with tulips that make people believe that Texas is trash an everywhere else is beautiful. Why don't you let me critique your state. Anyone who thinks they learned something from your site is an idiot.

Ssgt Nick Skinner

Sent from my iPhone

Below, Anonymous is commenting about my webpage about Canton First Mondays Trade Days...

I found your Canton First Mondays site using Google. And I want to thank you for your work. You have done a really very good site. Great work, great site! Thank you!


I've no idea what webpage or pages Sgt. Skinner was looking at. I don't recollect having a picture of an intersection in Washington with a tulip. On my Eyes on Texas website, just like on this blog, if I experience something I like, me liking it is reflected in how I describe it. If I experience something I don't like or think is goofy, or just plain wrong, then that's how I describe it. I believe this is what is known as expressing ones opinion.

Now, people like Sgt. Skinner I really don't understand, beyond the obvious, as in not too bright and likely poorly educated, though smart enough to operate an iPhone. Is he a Sergeant with the Fort Worth Gestapo? Or the U.S. Army? I wonder what he saw that had him thinking I was showing some of the worst places in Texas? And how does someone like Sgt. Skinner work himself up to a state of umbrage so strong that he goes to the bother of typing a comment into his iPhone? And does iPhone add that "Sent from my iPhone" tag, or is Sgt. Skinner just real proud to be sending a message from his phone?



  1. Oh, no...I'm thinking it must be your insignificant page on Wink. I know, we've got a lot of cleaning up to do, with all the oil and gas debris lying around everywhere. We make requests to companies like Browning, Aruba,Transwestern, and pick up their trash, but they're slow in getting around to it.

  2. Sgt. Skinner was commenting on something on my Eyes on Texas website. Wink was on the blog. Oooops. You're right, I made a webpage about Wink as part of my Texas Regions project that I got bored with and sort of quit working on.

    Sorry you had to learn that you must be a blithering idiot. Sgt. Skinner is way too undiplomatic.

  3. Okay, from what I've read, which isn't that much, you do kind of hate on Texas. Don't lie! :P

    I think Sgt. Skinner was being an overly proud Texan. I'm not from Texas either and I find that a large population of Texans are overly proud of their state and when anyone knocks it, those same people tend to get all butthurt. I know, it's lame, but I have just learned to ignore, hahaha.

    Oh, to answer, the iPhone does add that stupid "sent from my iPhone" crap. It can be turned off, but it seems Sgt. Skinner has not mastered his phone yet, thus implying he may not be as intelligent as you once thought! ^__^

  4. Jovan---

    Hate is way too strong a word. I like a lot of stuff in Texas. I can't really say I hate anything in Texas, except, maybe, sort of an aversion to narrow minds.

    Thank you for letting us know that Sgt. Skinner is not being overly proud of sending a message from his iPhone.

  5. Dango, I didn't say you "hate" Texas, I said "hate on" Texas. That's different! :P It's not like I would be offended if you said you hated Texas anyways, as I am not from here. I will say that I prefer Texas over Illinois, haha!
