Thursday, November 26, 2009

Happy Thanksgiving Y'all From Fort Worth Texas

Yes, that is me running away from you in the pool this Thanksgiving morning. It was 41 degrees. I did not last too long in the water. It is supposed to get in the 70s on Saturday.

I'm hoping some of that heat gets into the water.

Last Thanksgiving I went to Zorro's Buffet for turkey. This year I'm cooking the bird myself. I think Thanksgiving last year may have been the last time I've been to Zorro's.

Time goes by so fast. This is the time of year that fast forwards to Christmas, then New Year's Day.

The Christmas lights start turning epidemic tomorrow. I'm going to try and see the lights at Interlochen this year. Did not get around to it last year. The Interlochen neighborhood puts on the most over the top Christmas displays I've ever seen. The throngs of viewers require traffic control.

When I get back from the Tandy Hills, this afternoon, the turkey should be done. If I've done the calculations correct, which is a bit of a concern because high level mathematics is not one of my strengths.


  1. One of my best Thanksgiving memories was sticking a turkey breast in the oven to cook while I rode my horse in the Grasslands. The Grasslands were beautiful and deserted and my horse was perfect so I lingered too long until my turkey was jerky.

    KISS is my motto for holidays.

  2. Yer not supposed to leave that turkey fryer unattended! Have a Happy Thanksgiving. I must go see that Intelochen light show this year. I think I'll ride my bike. It sounds a little more practical than attempting to motor around that neighborhood.

  3. Steve A-----
    That was propaganda about Deep Frying a Turkey. The bird is safely in the oven.

    Riding a bike thru Interlochen would be way more fun than driving. I sneak in the back way and avoid the traffic jam on Randol Mill. Walking would be good too. But, where to park?

  4. TXsharon----
    Is that the LBJ Grasslands up in Denton County you horsed on? I've long wanted to go ride my bike up there.

    Turkey jerky is good. But not so good when not jerked on purpose.

    I'm pretty stupid, so keeping it simple is pretty much my only option when it comes to cooking.

  5. I had it very simple, someone else cooked the turkey for me, but I did supply the pie and the green bean bake, yummy! Happy Thanksgiving

  6. Somewhere in your blog you described the problem of ants invading your home. That happened to me twice (a year apart) in McKinney (N of Dallas). Both times I solved the problem totally, using an organic method I found on line: I sprinkled dry hominy grits in the area where I found the ants. When they had carried most of it away I replenished it, etc., till they stopped carrying it away (It took 3 or 4 days). This method does not work outdoors because the grits have to stay dry to do the job.
