Thursday, November 26, 2009

Fort Worth's Mayor Moncrief Changes The Name Of The Trinity River & Orders It Dyed The Color Purple

Okay, I admit I am not much of a spectator sports fan. I've watched a game or two over the years, but it is not something I regularly do. I prefer to play, rather than sit and watch others play.

So, I don't pay all that much attention to who wins what. This can leave me woefully ignorant of who is doing well in whatever sport.

As in, I had no idea that Fort Worth had a football team that is ranked #4 and is undefeated, that being Texas Christian University, aka TCU. Apparently TCU has never been in a BCS bowl game and due to their ranking they likely will get their first invite.

I did not know that 2 weeks ago Fort Worth initiated a "Go Purple" campaign. Evidently purple is TCU's school color. TCU's team mascot is something called a Horned Frog.

Now here is where it gets really weird.

Fort Worth's corrupt Mayor Mike Moncrief, a man who loves to help people pollute, announced on Wednesday that a section of the Trinity River that runs through Trinity Park will be dyed purple Friday morning.

And the Trinity River will be renamed "Horned Frog River" for the duration of the football season.

The wondrous powers of being a Fascist Dictator. You can order the arbitrary coloring and renaming of a river.

Tarrant Regional Water District and Streams and Valleys employees have been working on a non-toxic purple dye that will not affect water quality or harm fish, turtles or birds.


Isn't just the act of turning river water purple harming the quality of the water?

And, how are we to trust that this purple dye is totally non-toxic? Are these not sort of the same people who used to claim the Barnett Shale natural gas drilling was non-toxic til proven otherwise?

It would seem there are better ways of showing support for the local football team than turning an already troubled river into the River Purple.


  1. WTF? I was trying to remain calm for T-Day but you just ruined that for me!

    WTF? That man's hubris is so thick you could cut it with a knife!

    I'm with you--doer not a watcher.

  2. TXsharon------

    Sorry about ruining T-Day for you.

    I wonder what is the permit process that gets you to the point where you can dye a river purple? And rename it?

  3. I think starting with the Trinity is bad idea. The dye may or may not be harmful in some way.

    Here is my solution- Dye the Ft Worth Water Garden purple! If it goes bad, it should be a lot easier to contain. If that goes well, then next year all the gasser’s waste-water ponds!

    At that point we should know enough about it to determine if coloring the trinity is good idea or not.

  4. ChipSeal---
    I like your test the Color Purple plan. Particularly the Water Gardens and the gas drillers ponds which are already an odd bluish hue.

    How are they containing the purple in the river? Seems like it'd just quickly flow downstream with the people in Dallas wondering what the hell has Fort Worth done to our river now?
