Thursday, October 15, 2009

Town Talk Talk & Fosdic Lake This Cold Texas Fall Day

I have not made it to any of my usual places I make it to lately. I guess it's weather related. Today started off windy and foggy and then got colder.

I went to walk around Fosdic Lake today at Oakland Lake Park. My new best friend, Martha, mentioned Oakland Park to me yesterday and the fact that though she's a longtime native girl, with mom and dad in the neighborhood, she did not know of Fosdic Lake.

Martha is currently exiled in Vancouver, B.C. That's up in Canada. Martha is going to finally see Fosdic Lake when she comes to her old hometown this Christmas. Martha, if you are reading this, be sure and bring some bird food for the ducks. They can be quite demanding.

Speaking of the Northwest. After Fosdic Lake I went to Town Talk. That's the grocery store I've mentioned before where I find all sorts of good stuff real cheap. I'm all about cheap. Fort Worth Weekly had Town Talk in its Best of 2009 issue, informing its readers about the gourmet type stuff you can find there at cut-rate prices.

So, I was checking out at Town Talk. The checkout lady asked me if it had gotten colder. I said yes it had. And added that the weather here lately has been reminding me of the Pacific Northwest in winter. A lady behind me, a mom with her daughter, asked me where I was from in the Northwest. I told her. She then made some remark about Fort Worth and Texas being the opposite of where I was from.

I said, yeah, that is pretty true. I asked if she'd been up there. She said no, but her daughter had and wants to move to Olympia. I agreed Olympia was nice and mentioned the cool farmers market there. The daughter had been to it. The mom then asked if it is true that there are flowers everywhere. Yes, it's true, I said. I told her when I'm away for awhile and return in summer, it takes me awhile to get over thinking everywhere smells like Christmas trees. And all the color is real noticeable. And the free blackberries just waiting to be picked.

The mom said something like you're making me want to move there too. I then said, remember what started this conversation. As in, winter up in Washington is like this fall is being in Texas. Wet, gray, foggy, damp and cold.

Anyway, that was the Town Talk talk as near as I can remember it.

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