Thursday, October 15, 2009

Levi Johnston Told Me The Helium Balloon Boy Is Home Alone Alive

Twitter keeps on being the gift that keeps on giving. A hour or so ago I blogged about the flying saucer helium balloon that kept the world's attention for awhile this afternoon due to the erroneous belief a 6 year old Colorado boy was inside.

So, I blogged about the bizarre, yet strangely compelling incident. An hour later I'm at Twitter, doing some Twittering when I see that one of my Followers, Levi Johnston, he being the baby daddy to Sarah Palin's daughter Bristol's baby, had twittered.

Levi had taken time out from preparing for his latest Playgirl magazine photo shoot to twitter or tweet, "Balloon Boy found alive, was never inside balloon HOAX: BALLOON BOY FOUND ALIVE IN GARAGE."

So, it was all a big brouhaha over nothing. Well, there was that UFO looking object zooming across the sky that got a lot of people really busy.

What a world we live in. I've only known of Sarah Palin for a bit more than a year. And now her former future son-in-law has become one of my news sources, via this ridiculous, yet useful, thing called Twitter.

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