Tuesday, October 6, 2009

The Sky Is Dark Over Fort Worth As We Wait For Noise From Mother Nature

The noon sky over Fosdic Lake at Oakland Lake Park today matches my Mood of Doom.

The National Weather Service has issued a Severe Thunderstorm Warning, with the warning currently ending at 6pm.

This is not the time of year that usually spawns tornadoes here, but it can happen. And it has been quite awhile since I've heard the tornado sirens. So, we are due.

I just got a Travelocity Fare Watcher email. I can fly to Phoenix and back for $198. I'm thinking that it would be fun to escape to the desert for awhile. But, why would I return?

The wind is picking up. I think this might be a good one. The ground is already saturated from recent rain. The Fossil Creek creek watchers are likely going into High Alert.

I don't think we have had the severe type downpour, yet, to test how well all that new asphalt around the new Dallas Cowboy Stadium is going affect Johnson Creek. There have been improvements to Johnson Creek in the zone of the stadium.

But, I suspect if that area got 10 inches of wet in a couple hour span that Six Flags is going to see some flooding again. And now they'll have Jerry Jones to blame it on.


  1. Is it doing anything on your side of town? We have blue skies here on the Westside right now.

  2. It has lightened up a bit, still looks like it wants to rain, but has not so far. With it being blue on the westside, I'm guessing the worst of this "storm" has passed. Due to your direction appears to be the direction it is coming from. Must go out and look west. Nope still looks gray when I look in your direction. But I saw hints of brightening.
