Tuesday, October 6, 2009

I Am Drowning & Going Over A Cliff In Texas

That's what I'm feeling like. Deep underwater with a very flimsy lifeline and a dull light trying to illuminate my darkness.

Last night I had a bad nightmare. I was driving along side a very blue river with rapids. There were a lot of people on various floating devices floating both directions on the river rapids. At times the rapids got to a Colorado River in the Grand Canyon level of rapid.

I keep glancing over at the river and the people on it, when suddenly I realize the road has turned, but I have not. I slam into a big bump of rocks, get over it and keep driving on a very rough rocky surface. My passenger is yelling that I have to get back on the road.

But, I could not stop the vehicle, could not turn it around, could not slow down.

And then I went over a cliff and woke up.

That's how today started, waking up, after taking a death drop off a cliff. While everyone else was having fun floating in a river.

It is another drab, gray day here in North Texas, in more ways than three. I'm guessing I have come down with one of my bouts of SAD (Seasonally Affected Disorder). I don't remember feeling SAD when I lived in the Pacific Northwest. I always liked gray, foggy days up there. I think over exposure to too many blue skies days in Texas has altered my psyche.

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