Tuesday, October 13, 2009

The Rain Has Stopped For Now In The Fort Worth Rain Forest

The rain has stopped. For now. The view from Miss Puerto Rico's balcony has brightened up from this morning's gloomy darkness.

Don Young commented on my gloomy state of forlorn-ness, saying I was depressing him and offering to loan me a water proof poncho so that I could do some water hiking on the Tandy Hills.

Apparently a 4-wheeler decided to do some damage to the prairie, despite all the signs warning wheeled devices and animals with hooves to keep out.

Don Young also commented that my forlorn state of woefulness finally matched the forlorn photo of me on my blog. I thought I was looking happy in that picture.

1 comment:

  1. Regarding you happy face picture: Don't make me laugh. That means tears and tears mean water. I've had enough water.
