Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Living In The Texas Rain Forest Of Fort Worth

That is the dismal Tuesday morning at 11 view from Miss Puerto Rico's balcony this rainy day in Fort Worth.

I can't remember the last sunny day we had here. This is being way too much like winter in the Pacific Northwest.

The Texas rain I've grown to expect comes down fast and hard and then is done with it, usually returning to clear skies. This slow motion all day long type rain is not normal for here. It's like being by the ocean without all the benefits.

Our currently earliest predicted respite is this coming Friday when supposedly it will be clear and hit the 70s.

I imagine all these cold, rainy days have wreaked havoc with attendance at this year's State Fair of Texas in Dallas. The Oprah Show was taped there yesterday in front of a large crowd. I've seen no pictures so I don't know if the crowd was covered with umbrellas.

I am seriously considering that it may be time to move back to the Northwest.


  1. Jeezeus, you're depressing me. Go for a hike before we all kill ourselves. I miss the Sunshine too but I'm trying not to think about it. Do you have any rainwear for a hike at THNA? I'll loan you a poncho. Go check out the damage that some doofus with a 4 wheeler did there yesterday.

    I feel for you but I also smiled at your deadpan description of forlorn-ness. Your existence finally matches your picture at the top of the page.

  2. Isn't it too muddy for hiking Tandy? I do have raingear. I've not been to Tandy for a long time, it seems. Some jerk 4 wheeled?
