Friday, October 2, 2009

The Grand Canyon Is Following Me

Way too frequently I'll hear something on TV or the radio. Or read something. Or be talking on the phone, which happened today. Or get an email, which also happened today, in which something is verbalized that causes me to think if I heard that 10 years ago my imagination would have been unable to conjure a scenario in which it made sense.

Like an email I just got from Twitter.

I just realized the previous sentence is yet one more example. Just 5 years ago I would have assumed Twitter must be a person who emailed me. But, today's email, from Twitter, said in the subject line "The Grand Canyon is now following you on Twitter!"

The Grand Canyon following me? On Twitter? Instantly makes sense to me in 2009. In 1999 I would have thought the message to be nonsensical gibberish.

When I was talking to my mom today she asked me if I got the picture of an arch they texted me. In 1999 the verb "texted" would have sounded like a mistake. I remember long ago when cordless phones became popular my mom told me she thought they were a passing fad. Now 25 years later my mom and dad are using ultra cordless phones, called cell phones, to send pictures.

What a world. By the way, the National Parks of America is also following me on Twitter.

1 comment:

  1. That is so funny that you blogged on this! The boys and I were reading a story at school, doing annotation, and we had been finishing up the mapping for Ghost Rider. We came across "website" in the story, and I told the boys that when I was in high school, that word hadn't come into being yet. One boy said, "If you didn't have the internet, why'd you need a computer?" As if there were no other use for a computer except to be connected to the net! I also described how the cell phones in the 80s were as big or bigger than our portable phones now. I thought it was extremely cool...they thought I was older than dirt! ;)
