Friday, October 2, 2009

Google's Word Captcha-ing Is Annoying Me

My Google Account is driving me buggy. A couple weeks ago, for no reason apparent to me, rather than let me quickly log in, Google would randomly insist I get past one of those annoying Word Captcha things to enter the account.

Trouble is it takes 4 or 5 tries to get a Word Captcha that I can figure out. Like the one you see here. The first letter I can make out for sure is an 'o'.

The Word Captcha's that Google uses on their Blogger comments, if that wonderful feature is enabled, well those ones are easy to read. Facebook pops up a Word Captcha once in awhile. They are easy to read.

I have not encountered Word Captchas before of the sort I'm dealing with on my Google Account. It's very aggravating.

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