Monday, September 7, 2009

A Yellow Tandy Tomato, The Princess Annie Of Wink Project & WeatherBug Bugging Me No More

I've had myself a Labor Day. Which has pretty much been just like any other Monday, except I got up later than usual and was in the pool well after the sun lit up the place.

We are under a Level Orange Air Pollution Watch. Again. Day after day the National Weather Service issues the Level Orange Watch, with WeatherBug going off with its annoying chirp, even though I have it set to only warn me about incoming tornadoes and nuclear bombs. I can not shut the thing up. And every day I hear the chirp and click the flashing bug, thinking maybe it is a tornado or nuclear bomb this time, but it's always the Level Orange Watch.

Okay, WeatherBug just got offed for crying wolf one time too many.

I'd not gone there in awhile, so I went hiking at the Tandy Hills Natural Area today. I saw the odd yellow tomato like thing you see in the picture. The vines were scrawny and there was only the one tomato, or whatever it is.

Speaking of the Tandy Hills. A couple days ago the Queen of Wink commented on a blogging about the ELF tower teardown. Somehow this led the Queen to make a charming comment telling us about how the Tandy Hills had inspired her daughter, Princess Annie of Wink, to buy some Wink land to restore to its natural state. Many people were touched by this story.

But then the next day, for reasons still murky, the Queen of Wink, in some sort of Royal twist, deleted her comments. This led to much confusion, with some afraid they had incurred the wrath of the Queen or had offended her delicate sensibilities somehow.

And now today we learned that the Queen of Wink has told the story of Princess Annie of Wink's land restoration project in much greater detail than we knew before. Such as how Don Young's work to preserve the Tandy Hills and my photos of the Tandy Hills and other Tandy Hills stuff has inspired the young princess to turn part of her part of Texas back to its natural state.

You can read all about Princess Annie's project on her mother, the Queen of Wink's, blog.


  1. Don't eat the "tomatoes" at THNA!!!!! They just look like tomatoes and are reportedly poisonous. You can read more about the plant, Silverleaf Nightshade here:

    IMO we have really been at Level RED all week. My lungs told me so. The TCEQ who decides which color we are, is a politically motivated, industry-supportive embarrassment to the state of TX. For the record, FW has the worst air in the state most days, including right now.

    I'm humbled by the sweet comments of Queen and Princess of Wink, a town that probably needs them more than they need it.

  2. Thanks for the tomato warning and the links. I almost was tempted to take a bite.

    That Princess Annie of Wink seems to be quite a special kid.
