Monday, September 7, 2009

Tons Of Litter Dam Up The Trinity River In Fort Worth

A couple days ago I drove the Beach Street Bridge across the Trinity River and looked to the east, towards Gateway Park and the dam that serves as a pedestrian bridge to see an astonishing amount of litter trapped by the dam.

That "IT'S TIME TO TEAM UP TO CLEAN UP" sign, asking people on the trail to "Join us on Sept. 19," overlooks the aforementioned astonishing amount of floating litter. I've no idea how a mess like this can get cleaned up. I suppose using the usual method used here we'll just wait for the next flood to hopefully flush it downstream, maybe all the way to the Gulf of Mexico.

I saw a lot of people biking the Trinity Trail today. This reminded me I need to get my bike fixed. I also saw several people fishing. I don't know what one does with fish one catches in this river.

Earlier today I read an article titled "New girl's take on Skagit County" in my old hometown online paper, by a girl new to the valley and the paper.

Her editors told her to go explore the valley and then write about her impressions. At one point she saw a lot of people on a sandbar on the Skagit River. Looking at it through her Kansas girl's eyes, she thought they were swimming.

Upon further investigation she was to learn that a lot of people spend a lot of time on the river. Fishing. The salmon runs have been strong this year. Salmon are healthy to eat. There are no warning signs on the Skagit River advising you not to eat the fish. There is also very very very little litter.

The Kansas girl also made note of being impressed by mountains and blackberries growing along the roads. I meant the blackberries grow along the roads, not the mountains. Then again, in places, the mountains do pretty much grow along the roads. If I ever move back I will never take all that free fresh fruit for granted ever again.

As soon as I parked, to walk down to the Trinity River litter, I saw something else that interested me. A couple months ago one of my Fort Worth blogging partners heard there was something fishy going on near the Beach Street Bridge. By the time I got there I saw nothing fishy.

But today I did. See something fishy, I mean. It's material for another blogging. To be written as soon as I hit the publish button on this one.

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