Sunday, September 13, 2009

Sunday Night Sky In Texas With Cockroaches

In the picture you are looking at Sunday night's stormy view from Miss Puerto Rico's balcony at a bit before 7 this evening. A dangerous looking sky, but with no lightning and no funnel clouds.

Those may come later. We are in for a bumpy ride the next few days in North Texas, if the forecast is to be believed.

Upside, the rain has cleaned up the air. I should not be seeing any Level Orange Air Pollution Alerts in the coming days. So, I can breathe a bit easier and leave my gas mask at home when I venture out.

It was nice, tonight, to be able to sit outside and watch the passing cloud parade without dealing with air that is too warm. It is only 70 right now, coming up on 9. Not quite BRRRR territory, but getting close. A good night's sleep should be had, with no A/C cycling on and off, windows open, no Orange Level stuff penetrating my breathing space.

All I have to deal with, at the moment, is the cockroach invasion. Which I learned tonight has become epidemic in the neighborhood. I don't mind the little beasts too much. I have mine pretty much under control. For the most part. There are a few rogue roaches, but they work alone and are easily dispatched.

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