Sunday, September 13, 2009

Rain Slows Up As Floods Flash In Texas & Sedona

We have been under water attack here in North Texas for well over 24 hours. This is the longest rain I remember in a long time. I'm feeling like I've spent an October in Washington concentrated to one day. Actually, I think the rain started Friday, so it has been off and on for 72 hours, or so, with steady wetness for 24 of those hours.

I got gas today. So, like I always do when I get gas, I called my mom in Arizona to tell her I got gas and that it was raining. I was trapped in my vehicle in a severe downpour when I called mom. I remained trapped for about 20 minutes, when a slight let up let me escape.

Mom told me they were over 100 in Arizona. I told mom we were 68 and my windows were open. Mom asked me if I knew about the flash flood in Sedona. I did not. Apparently on Thursday, September 10, a downpour caused a flash flood through a canyon, causing a usually dry creek bed to carry a water attack on Sedona which wreaked havoc.

Those are submerged Sedona cars in the picture. The flood ran through scenic downtown Sedona, flooding businesses. Appears to be quite a mess.

Speaking of messes. I Tweeted about Galveston yesterday. I love how I've learned the proper terminology. A week ago I would have said I Twittered. But that's a grammatical faux pas. The proper word is Tweet. Who makes up this stuff? I have no idea.

Anyway, after I Tweeted about Galveston I got a Tweet, actually I don't know if that is what you call it when you're on the receiving end. For all I know I got a Twat. Whatever it was, someone from Galveston, called Holiday Inn, told me, yeah that works, told me, rather than Tweeted or Twatted me, that Galveston is back, better than ever, totally recovered from Hurricane Ike. And that I should come for a visit. Staying at the Holiday Inn, I suppose.

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