Sunday, August 16, 2009

Bald Is Beautiful?

Tootsie Tonasket insisted she wanted to see a picture of the new, bald me. What Tootsie wants, Tootsie gets.

I'm looking almost as grumpy as I'm feeling.

It's been less than 24 hours since I balded myself. So far I'm liking being bald. I was hoping going bald would have me looking like I belong on Prison Break. Instead I'm thinking I'm looking like a bad John Locke clone on LOST.

This is definitely the worst thing I've done to my hair in years. Almost as bad as early in this century when someone convinced me it would be fun to be blond. She told me I would be a dark blond. Instead I was the color of a very bright banana. The banana was remedied fairly easily. But I was not happy about the entire experience.

I have no one to blame but myself for the current follicle challenge. I prefer having someone other than myself to blame when something does not go quite right. Maybe I'll take a daily picture of my baldness slowly ending, like that cool video of that guy who walked across China that I blogged about earlier in the month.

I'm out of here in a bit. Talk to you later.


  1. I think John Locke is very SEXY in all his baldness and grumpiness...

  2. Thanks, CT2.

    Gar, I couldn't believe you trusted me on your mullet issue. And if my memory is correct, and it likely isn't, you really did not follow my good advice, except you did get rid of the mullet, replacing it with what looked like a mop/wig. Recent photos of you seem to indicate that years later you actually did follow my follicle advice. Now, you really should try the bald thing. It is actually quite enjoyable. And cool. Not in the looks cool sense of the word, but in the feels cool sense of the cool word.

  3. OMG you look like you just got out of prison. PLEASE grow back the hair yer scarin` me.

  4. TT---Fear not, it is growing back.
