Saturday, August 15, 2009

Accidental Baldness & Tandy Sanity

It is coming up on 2 in the afternoon. I have not blogged today. And no one has emailed or called asking if I'm okay. I've got too many other things on my mind to worry about why no one any longer cares if I'm okay.

I really was not okay by mid-morning. By noon I desperately needed that melancholy antidote known at the Tandy Hills Natural Sanatorium Area. It was very breezy today, so there was a good wind chill factor going on.

I saw yet another new wildflower today. A delicate looking one, like a little orchid.

Note in the picture how green it is here. I've been told that Western Washington has turned brown. It was brown when I was up there last summer. Unless some method is found to turn the west side back green, Washington is going to need to re-think that Evergreen State nickname.

So, what stupid thing did I do today, you're sitting there wondering. Well. I have a hair clippers. I thought to myself, how hard can it be to give myself a crewcut? Gary Hart was known for cutting his own hair, and he and I have so much in common, I figured I could do it.

It started off fine. I had the clippers set to a half inch. But, I soon found there are skills involved in operating such machinery that amateurs do not possess. Though the clippers were set to a half inch, a half inch is not what happened when the clippers hit a curved area.

After that disaster I decided to go for a buzz cut. How hard could that be? About an hour later my head looked like a cat with mange. I decided to give up on the clippers. I figured I'd shave myself bald. I've wondered what I'd look like bald and this now seemed a good opportunity to end the wondering.

I had my head all lathered up with shaving cream. And started shaving. This did not work. I took a shower to get the mess off my head.

It was hopeless

I had to call for help. Scissors were used to clip off some of the mange. And then the clippers, eventually, were able to do their buzz cut thing. All in all I'm pleased with the outcome and I don't think I look ridiculous at all. But I won't be going out in public without a baseball cap on for a few weeks.

It was great hiking bald today. I don't consider the Tandy Hills a public place, because I see so few humans there, except for the homeless guy who lives in a tent. He's added furniture since I first mentioned the Tandy Tent.

There you have it, Saturday, so far, in this hell I'm living in Texas.


  1. Ummmm... that's why we have barbers??? You are too funny... hats will need to be a staple in your wardrobe for a few weeks.

  2. Barbers are such a bother. This seemed like a good do it yourself project at the time. Not so much right now. I'm not even out in public right now, but I'm wearing a stocking cap over my bald head, due to the chilly A/C blowing down on my shiny, cold dome.

  3. I've done that a time or two, cut it real short. I can see how you might try to do it yourself. I think about going to a barber and in ten minutes he's got his hand out for twelve dollars or so. If a person opened a barber shop and was fortunate enough to do good business that'd be like the goose laying the golden egg.

  4. Was hoping to see a pic of you bald man.

  5. I cut your hair a time or two. Do you remember that????

  6. I cut your hair a time or two, too. I made you sign a hold harmless agreement.

  7. Okay, Anonymous, Wanda cut my hair a couple times, but that was recent enough that there'd be no doubt about me remembering. So, eliminate Wanda. I sorta, maybe remember CVB cutting my hair, but that's more because the "hold harmless agreement" seems like something she would insist on.

    Damn my failing memory. First forgetting the moonlight swim in undies. And now this.

  8. Expert sleuth that I am I figured the anonymous haircutter had to be up in Washington. I knew she'd posted the latest anonymous comment about cutting my hair in the last hour or so.

    So, I went to my Feedjit stats. In the latest 50 blog visitors in the past 2 hours, there has been only one from Washington, with that one being from Bow.

    I know of only one person from Bow who checks out my blog and I am pretty much 100% certain she has never cut my hair.

    However, if she is currently on her computer, she has likely been to Facebook. And there likely will be a telltale sign. I'm off to do some Facebook sleuthing.

  9. I did indeed cut that shrub growing on the top of your head! You need to go back, back to a kitchen on the westside faraway...

  10. Nancy H. The westside faraway clue. And remembering you show up as Bow when you are at work, I think. I talked to Chris on Friday. She still has not made it up to see you. She's been back in the valley for a year now.
