Friday, July 10, 2009

United Breaks Guitars

I was sent a not quite ready for prime time new blog to inspect. Today's blogging, in the new blog, had an amusing YouTube video that is only 3 days old and going viral. I thought I'd help do my little part in contributing to the virality.

I love how there are so many ways, anymore, to smack back when something or someone does you wrong. Like when WaMu melted down and messed up my account for a week. Or when Wal-Mart had the gall to overcharge me for milk over and over again by two cents. Or when someone in Tacoma turns into a toxic Jabba the Hut.

Apparently United Airlines claims that the guitar was not packed in a proper guitar case. That had it been, it would not have done the guitar any harm when the luggage loaders tossed it around in full view of passengers and the guitar's owner.

And, how did United Airlines know what type case the guitar was in? After the complaint was made did they send an inspector to look at the case? I know someone who had a similar experience, only with American Airlines. That was over lost luggage. She never got any compensation. Just a run around.

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