Saturday, July 11, 2009

Jammin Is Flying In To Go To Wildwood Naturist Resort With Me

As you can see, I was in the pool way after the sun came up this morning, with there being so much sun that sunglasses were required.

My Wildwood date bailed on participating in today's attempt to break an important world record. Jammin Mole is trying to make it here in time, as a last minute replacement.

My coffee was cockroach-free this morning. That always starts the day on a good note.

I will likely end up participating in today's event, but in a non-sanctioned location, like my usual Saturday hike to the top of Tandy Mountain.

Speaking of breaking records, my Google ads made the most $ ever yesterday. I've no idea why. It was spread all over the place. The Parker County Peach Festival was yesterday, so that accounted for some of it, I guess.

I just got a message from Jammin Mole:

"It just so happens that I have Midland Oil Tycoon friend with a private jet...just spoke with him, he said no problem, he can have me there by 1:45PM...once I arrive how do I contact you?"

1:45 would be too late. Maybe it would work if he could fly Jammin to the Decatur airport. I may be going to Wildwood Naturist Resort after all...


  1. You need some pet Gecko's, man. They eat cockroaches for breakfast and are cool pets. Just turn 'em loose in your place and they go to work.

    Those cancer causing pesticides are bad for you. There's plenty of safe treatments for roaches. Marshall Grain on E. Lancaster has what you need.

    I look forward to your report from Wildwood. Get plenty of pics.

  2. Thanks for the roach advice. Wildwood is looking dicey. They don't allow cameras. Darn.

  3. I'd hate to be the one that had to clean out that hair trap.
