Thursday, July 2, 2009

Return Of The Cockroach And Other Troubles

That's Clarence my pet Cockroach.

My one longtime reader may remember I was invaded by a herd of Cockroaches a few months ago.

Eventually an Exterminator was brought in. Everything had to be removed from the kitchen and then the spraying began. The herd of cockroaches then came out of hiding. Death did not come quickly.

I was told that the spray, water-based, would retain its deadly punch for about a month, killing any Cockroach babies that were in egg form when the extermination took place.

Well. They are back. Not in large numbers. Yet. I'd never seen a Cockroach before I saw Texas. They are the strangest insects. It's like they are smart. They are so good at defensive maneuvers when I go after them. I've gotten real good at offensive maneuvers countering their defense.

Sometimes the Cockroaches seem to have special teleporting powers. A couple days ago I lifted up my TV remote to aim it at the TV and a Cockroach jumped off the end of the controller. How did it get there? The remote sits on a glass topped table that is cockroach proof. The TV room is far removed from their home in the kitchen. It's very vexing.

Just a couple minutes ago I dispatched one trying to use the toaster. I'd barely completed that task when suddenly there was one on the wall where seconds before there was nothing. How could it get there so fast? That one got dispatched too.

I guess I should call in the Exterminator again. But that's such a lot of bother. And it really is a good, challenging hunting exercise, killing the little devils. I have a couple insect eating lizards living in here. Apparently they don't like to eat Cockroach. I imagine the shell is tough to digest. Sometimes you can step directly on a Cockroach, yet when you lift your foot it scurries away, apparently unharmed.

So, that's been my exciting day in Texas, so far, this bright, sunny, HOT Thursday. In the pool after dawn and killing Cockroaches. Life can't get much better than this.


  1. I have several yucky roach stories...the worst involves flying cockroaches. I was a teenager spending Easter weekend with my Grandma Ann down in MS. Her laundry room was located outside attached to the garage. She sent me out with a laundry basket to fetch the clean, dry night. She told me just to flip on the light switch and to get the clothes. For some reason, I've always been a bit afraid of the dark and what lurks in it. I made my way to the wash room, slid my hand against the wall found the switch, flicked it on...and then I was attacked by a swarm of flying roaches! Buzzing and hissing...ewww! Needless to say, Grandma Ann had to go get her own clothes that evening.

  2. The little devils can fly?

    Mine are the German brand of Cockroach. They follow orders without question, deserve to die and are easy to kill. I think I may have killed their leader today. He was a big one. I named him Adolf and left his corpse on display as a cautionary warning to the rest of the Germans as to what fate awaits them if they continue this occupation of my kitchen.

  3. Oh yes, like the evil flying monkeys from the Wizard of Oz! I haven't seen the flying kind out here only back in the deep South.

    Good luck with the Krauts, remember to be prepared for the Blitzkrieg...they love to come at ya from all fronts.

  4. I have not seen any of the Fascist Insects since this morning's Blitzkreig that started up when I unleashed a Black Flag gas attack.

  5. omg that is disgusting!! eww! (shivering) That bug was NOT in your kitchen! That is HUGE! Do you live in an apartment? If so, I doubt you'll be able to get rid of them. Well..unless you caulk any kind (from teensy to large) of openings, clean up real good, and then have the exterminator come in. The exterminator will probably have to do the entire building.

  6. Yikes! Thanks for the encouraging cockroach extermination info E. Kristie!
