Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Bonnie & Clyde In The Fort Worth Stockyards

It seems like I recently blogged about Bonnie & Clyde murdering cops in Grapevine. I don't remember why this was on my mind. I remember searching for a picture of the notorious pair.

No. That is not Bonnie & Clyde in the picture. That is Gar the Texan and his future wife. They are in Booger Reds Saloon, in the Fort Worth Stockyards, looking at the huge rear of a buffalo sticking out of the wall above the bar, with the buffalo's head sticking out the east wall of the H3 Ranch Restaurant next door.

The young lovers are sitting on bar stools with saddles as seats. Above them, in the Stockyards Hotel, is Room 305, also known as the Bonnie & Clyde Suite, because Bonnie & Clyde spent some time there during a break in their crime spreeing.

I forgot to mention, at Booger Reds you can get yourself a bucket of Buffalo Butt Beer. It's the best Buffalo Butt Beer I've had anywhere.

We celebrate all the criminals who have made Fort Worth home. Our Downtown Square, or what some uncultured people might call a bunch of parking lots, is named Sundance Square, because Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid found safe haven in Fort Worth's Hell's Half Acre.

I believe you can currently stay at Miss Etta's Place in downtown Fort Worth. Miss Etta was the girlfriend of Sundance, or was it Butch? Maybe both.

You can drink adult beverages at a lounge in Fort Worth named after Lee Harvey Oswald, called the Ozzie Rabbit Lodge. What other town can make that claim? Or wants to.

During Prohibition Fort Worth had a very thriving organized crime business, centered mainly on the Thunder Road section of the Jacksboro highway, which is a bit north and west of downtown. All sorts of crime, from murders to rigged poker games to bootleg booze to a lot of hookers, thrived in this part of Fort Worth. I believe Hell's Half Acre had been cleaned up by the point in time when America foolishly tried to stop the flow of alcohol. So, the bad boys were already gone from that locale when Thunder Road became the new Hellish part of Fort Worth.

Anyway, I thought I'd share the new thing I learned today, that being that Bonnie & Clyde slept at the Stockyards Hotel and may have done some drinking from the same bucket of Buffalo Butt Beer as me.


  1. He must be somewhere. I would have thought that by now he would have confirmed or denied that that is future wife with him in Booger Reds Saloon. Usually he mentions it when he leaves the country. Maybe he has had a bad attack of the vapors or is somehow otherwise indisposed. I read about a cop roundup of drunks in a Fort Worth bar a couple days ago. But I doubt he'd go all the way to Fort Wort to get disorderly in a bar. But who knows? It's a mystery. Like the boy said, we like to spend a lot of time analyzing him.

  2. Well, I'll leave it to Gar to do the confirming...i'll not make assumptions, because the last time I did that...I got into BIG trouble. Maybe I met a different wife last summer or maybe i met a girlfriend and didn't meet the wife...who knows. I mean there was so much going on at that class reunion (with all four of us that were there) I really couldn't keep up with who was doing who or what.

  3. Well, near as I can tell the boy has had more than his fair share of wives, so, yeah, who knows which of them you may have met. Was the one you met a blonde? Are all the wives blonde, as far as you know? I'm sure the mystery will soon be solved and we can move on to a new important subject.

  4. I am in Amarillo.
    Durango took the picture being analyzed and when he took it my girlfriend (who is now my wife) was standing next to him.
    Feigned ignorance is the worst kind.

  5. I'm ya think I was one of Gar's wives?

  6. I dunno. You both seem to have had a lot of husbands and wives. I guess it seems likely that at some point in time you were one of the wives.
