Friday, June 5, 2009

Kincaid's Burgers Are Overrated

I was not long in Fort Worth when I heard that Kincaid's Hamburgers made the best burgers in the world.

Year after year the locals vote for Kincaid's for burger awards. On Kincaid's website their customers are thanked for this...

"We Won Best Burger! Thank you to all our customers who helped us win the 2009 Golden Local Best Burger Award. We look forward to serving you at Kincaid's soon."

So, with all this hype I was looking forward to having the best burger ever. The first time I went to Kincaid's there was only the original, that being the Kincaid's on Camp Bowie Boulevard in Fort Worth. Kincaid's has since opened several more burger joints, including one in Southlake that was the location of my second visit to a Kincaid's.

Both times I was totally non-plussed. I didn't get it. But this was not the first time I've seen something hyped here that made me wonder things like have these people never had another burger? Have these people not seen any other downtown besides Fort Worth's? That after one of the Fort Worth Star-Telegram's goofy uses of their patented "Green With Envy" verbiage, as in cities and towns, near and far, are green with envy over the success of Fort Worth's downtown. (No, I am not making this up, go here for more examples)

I may have bad taste, but I prefer a Whopper or a Jumbo Jack burger over a Kincaid's burger. My all time favorite burger came from the legendary In & Out chain.

After all these years of thinking the Kincaid's hype was insane, finally, someone has said the Emperor has no clothes. A blog called Best of Texas had a post titled "5 Most Overrated Burgers in Texas." Kincaid's was #1 on the list, saying the Kincaid's burger was a "tasteless, lifeless, dry burger."

Then the new FW Weekly wannabe,'s Ink Edition, conducted a poll, asking "Are the Burgers at Kincaid's Overrated?"

32% said yes, Kincaid's burgers are nothing special. Another 32% thought Kincaid's burgers were maybe a little overrated, but who cares? While 29% thought absolutely not, Kincaid's burgers are the best. While 8% said they'd never had a Kincaid's burger.

So, I'm feeling a little better about the good taste of Fort Worth's burger eaters. And I'm glad to learn it's not just me who doesn't get the fuss made over those mediocre Kincaid's burgers.


  1. Durango,
    In defense of Kincaid's, you defiantly have bad taste! Now I would not say Kincaid's has the "Best" burger in town so I am with you on that point. Although they are good and were a lot better 15 years ago (not to mention half the price) when they only had the Camp Bowie location. But come on... this post comes from a man that recommended Zorro's??? A place you so raved about repeatedly last year. My wife and I tried the "hispanic", "biggest butt" haven and found nothing on the buffet even remotely appetizing (over cooked shrimp, dry steak etc...) aside from the dinner rolls, and our visit was on a Friday night no less. $20+ down the crapper! Anyway you can now go back to your Frankenfood, preservative laden Jack In The Crack and Burger Sling burgers, seeing how you are such a health nut.

  2. People may be family and friends trying to help them out. Hype up`s. SAD!
    Prefer home made burgers on a grill.
    There is one in this town that makes or last time there made the best burgers. Local bar called Mavricks. Yummy food. Come visit. You`ll have to treat. haha

  3. I love Anonymouses line "In defense of Kincaid's, you defiantly have bad taste!"

    Yes, I have defiantly bad taste.

    Now, in my defense, I never really actually recommended Zorro's. I had some ulterior motive for blogging about it that I'm forgetting right now. But I do feel a bit guilty that me blogging about Zorro's caused someone to do go there. One would have thought if you've read much of my blog that you wouldn't wanna be following my recommendations about anything.

    My last time at Zorro's, several months ago, I didn't much like. I think that's about when I discovered Sweet Tomatoes.
