Friday, June 5, 2009

Another Copperhead Encounter In Texas

I was up way before the sun was this morning. Again. Soon after it got bright I was in the pool. Again.

Then after way too many hours hitting buttons on a keyboard I needed to escape. My escape route, this time, was to pedal my bike at Village Creek Natural Historic Area. Again.

I've never seen so many people as were there today. The parking lot was almost full. I've never seen that before. At the pond viewing area there were 3 separate groups of people sitting at picnic tables. I rarely see a single person there.

I think it's the perfect temperatures that is drawing people outdoors. It was around 85 when I headed out of here at noon, 89 now, 3 hours later. I saw a pretty young mom and her little boy, both on scooters. I've been seeing a lot of people on scooters lately. There were 3 different scooter groups at Village Creek today. Has scootering become some sort of fad?

I would have thought that with so many people on the Village Creek trail that snakes would be gone. I was wrong. I came upon a copperhead again. I got closer to it this time and got a better picture. It posed politely, barely moving. And then when I turned the camera off it began to slither off the pavement at an alarmingly high rate of speed. If it had decided to head towards me, that fast, I don't know if I could have backed up fast enough.

And then I remembered what Jammin Mole told me a couple days ago. That rattlesnakes travel in pairs. She learned this after finding a rattlesnake in her laundry room. Her dad came over and helped get rid of it. And told her they usually travel in pairs. Soon the second rattlesnake made its presence known.

While I was snapping pictures another copperhead could have slithered up behind me. I will take this possibility into consideration during my next snake encounter and constantly check behind me to make sure I'm not about to be attacked.

So, that's my exciting Thursday in Texas, so far.

Oh, I forgot a funny thing. Earlier today I blogged about thinking Kincaid's Burgers were overrated. I got a funny comment from my favorite commenter, Anonymous, basically telling me my restaurant opinions were overrated, complaining that my rave reviews of Zorro's Buffet caused him to take his wife there on a Friday night only to find leathery steak and overcooked shrimp. Anonymous started off his comment with this funny line, "In defense of Kincaid's, you defiantly have bad taste!"

I'm defiant about everything.

1 comment:

  1. That's a big snake. Makes me think it would be prudent to carry a hoe to hike there. Dubious comfort but I think the Copperhead's bite is rarely fatal. Haven't looked it up so I may be completely wrong but one of the potent venom's belongs to the Coral snake (red and yellow kill a fellow), but they lack adequate fangs to administer a killing injection; lucky us. Which is why the rattlesnake is so deadly because they do have superb set of poison injecting fangs.
