Saturday, June 6, 2009

Gar The Texan Takes On Jerry Jones

Gar, the Texan, possibly the most erudite person I've ever come across, today wrote yet one more of his erudite bloggings.

In this blogging, Gar, the Texan managed to zero in to the heart of what was and is so wrong about the perverted abuse of the perfectly legitimate concept of using eminent domain, to acquire property, for your own private gain, like what Jerry Jones did, in Arlington, to get himself a new football stadium. That opens tonight. Hopefully to massive traffic jams and noise complaints.

I did not know about the old guy in Hurst, who Gar, the Texan talks about, who was booted out of his home because a mall wanted a parking lot. In his home were murals painted by his kids. I've never managed to put into words, in a way that nails it, why these abuses of eminent domain, in Texas, are so wrong. Gar, the Texan, managed to do that.

But, not to the extent that I'm going to go see that PIXAR "Up" movie.

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