Sunday, June 7, 2009

Don't Mess With Texas You Rude Yankees

Feedback comments to my Eyes on Texas website, from Texans, has been a gift that keeps on giving for years now.

This morning I found a good one in my email inbox with the subject line being "Rude Yankees."

The commenter calls him/herself "One Angry Texan." This angry Texan seems a tad defensive regarding Texas being known as the most Littered State in the Union.

Below is the comment from "Angry Texan"......(spelling and grammar left uncorrected, you don't wanna be messing with an Aangry Texan's spelling and grammar)....

I have several comments re: your website. As you may have learned Texans are very proud of our traditions and our beautiful variety of landscape. Your website commented on "Messing with Texas" writing about how we litter even though our slogan is "Don't Mess with Texas". Has it ever occured to you that unlike the stigmas ya'll have about us; not all of us are the exact same. Its like you make it seem that all of the state gets together and has a meeting and says "Okay nobody litter the Yankees might look down on us." You cannot stereotype an entire group of people like that. Is there not litter anywhere else in the country? Let's think about some of the biggest cities in the U.S. Hmmm......Is New York City clean on every single street? What about Washington D.C.? Or perhaps Philadelphia is sparkling clean every day of the year. Maybe you should spend less time pointing out what is wrong in your opinion of Texas and use that energy to figure out ways to help clean up litter or make an old building look nicer.

From one Angry Texan


  1. To the commenter "One Angry Texan." Texas being known as the most littered state in the union. Do something about the issue instead of whining about it. Start a litter clean up if those facts are true. Or are you too fat and lazy?

  2. Yes. I am too fat and lazy to pick up other people's messes.

  3. Apparently who ever said Texas was the most littered state in the union has never been to Lousyana... These people just dump trash any and every where...they dont care... Everyone talked about all the trash in New orleans after Katrina....hell that storm just moved the crap around, that is was like that before the storm. As for the rest of the state,,it is almost as bad as N.O. these are some of the trashiest people i have ever had the displeasure of living around. I know Hefty and Glad and garbage cans are foreign terms to these people here.
