Saturday, May 9, 2009

Tandy Hills Hiking, Wildflowers & Overthrowing a Ruling Junta

If it is Saturday and not raining, my one reader may make the guess that I went hiking the Tandy Hills today. My one reader would be right.

I am working on trying to not be such a predictable creature of habit, but it's hard to change when one gets old.

Speaking of getting old. When I purchased an adult beverage today at Wal-Mart the young thing checking me out asked to see my I.D.

I felt quite complimented. I was in cargo shorts and had a baseball cap on backwards, so maybe I was dressed in a youthful way. Or maybe the young thing checking me out has really bad eyesight. Or maybe I don't look like I'm over 21. Yeah, I'm sure that's it.

The wildflowers at the Tandy Hills Natural Area were the wildest yet. I saw several I'd not seen before.

I saw a snake for the first time in all my time of hiking the Tandy Hills. I have an aversion to snakes. Early on in my Texas Exile there was no way I would hike in a place as wild as the Tandy Hills. The snake today was a non-bad snake, just a little brown colored thing. And I didn't squeal like a school girl when I saw it.

I did see something disturbing whilst hiking about today. When you hike the Tandy Hills you come across signs of civilization from long ago, things like pipelines and manhole covers. The manhole covers are part of an old long abandoned sanitation system. Or so I thought. But today I saw one of the manhole covers had been blown open from the pressure of liquid material.

You could see the remnants of whatever came out of the manhole fanned out on the ground. When I went to take a picture of this I was told my camera battery needed re-charging. Maybe I'll make it back to the Tandy Hills tomorrow, if the weather holds, and get a picture.

Speaking of the weather, so far it's nice out there, only 72, almost felt chilly hiking today. Thunderstorms are expected to roll in later, possibly severe. We'll see.

No word yet on whether Fort Worth's Ruling Junta has been overthrown by today's election. I saw no signs of a coup d'etat while driving to hike today. I went by a polling place. There was not a single vehicle there. The polling place workers must have been within walking distance.


  1. Those flowers are incredible. Thanks for showing me a part of Texas I had no idea existed.

  2. Hate to burst your bubble...but it's required by law to check ALL IDs when purchasing the above mentioned beverage.

    Tell me how old you are...and I'll let you know if you look your age.

  3. I was duly informed that my knowledge on the required ID check to purchase adult beverages is fallible.

    You may continue to float in that bubble of yours...
