Sunday, May 10, 2009

94% of Fort Worth Stays Home Election Day

Fort Worth's Ruling Junta won a stunning victory Saturday, with all incumbents winning, including Mayor Mike Moncrief who won with over 70% of the vote. Clyde Picht got 22%, while Louis McBee almost got 8%.

The Ruling Junta remains in power thanks to the whopping 6% of the eligible voters who bothered to vote.

Which means Moncrief remains mayor by getting 70% of the votes of the 6% who bothered to vote.

I can't help but wonder why only 6% of Fort Worth's voters bother to vote. Do they think it doesn't matter? Does the majority simply shrug off all the corruption charges levied at Moncrief? Is this just the way it's always been here? It's perplexing to me.

I guess Fort Worth must wait for another day to have a revolution to establish a real democracy in this town.

1 comment:

  1. Voter turnout is our town of 100,000 people had 2,400 people vote last week. I like your blog...this stuff is right down my alley!
