Friday, April 3, 2009

With Egg On Their Faces No More Krogers

I have mentioned before I do not like Krogers. Too many price mistakes. Over and over again. The last time I mentioned this, some naive sort, apparently not familiar with Texas, reminded me that Krogers gives you a refund if they make a price mistake.

Yes. Previously I have brought a mistake to the attention of the minimum wage moron who mans the customer service. I've actually done this twice. The first time the woman was so befuddled by what I was pointing out to her that I gave up.

I then wrote a letter to Krogers complaining about that incident and their horrible customer service and chronic price mistakes. About a month later Krogers sent me a $15 gift card. That sort of mitigated my aggravation. A little.

The second time that I bothered to complain was over a 2 for 1 pricing scheme that did not ring up as 2 for 1. Once more when I went to customer service I was confronted with befuddlement. This time I said, just give me my money back. And so she did, but she had trouble counting it.

And now to today's FINAL time of ever trying to buy anything at Krogers. Earlier today I'd forgotten to get eggs while I was at Wal-Mart. I needed them for French Toast in the morning. I remember seeing a Krogers special ad at the bottom of this morning's Dallas Morning News. The ad had a dozen large eggs for 88 cents. The ad also had mangoes 3 for $1 and red grapes for 88 cents a pound.

Since Krogers is right across the street I figured I'd take 5 minutes and go get eggs, some mangoes and some grapes. Three items. Krogers can't screw that up, I thought, despite having something screw up with Krogers when I've only tried to buy one item.

So, I pick up 2 dozen eggs. I head to the mangoes. They were green, hard and not worth 33 cents. I find the grapes. These did not look like grapes I wanted in my house.

So, I go to the self-checkout. I scan the first dozen eggs. They ring up as $1.29. I figure, okay, sometimes Krogers doesn't calculate the "real" price til you hit the pay button. I scan the next dozen and then hit the pay button.

The total did not rec-calculate the eggs at 88 cents a dozen. I looked for the person who manages the self-checkout lines. She'd run off. I was not going to pay $1.29 a dozen eggs, particularly after I saw the HUGE handmade sign by the eggs saying "Large Eggs 88 Cents Dozen."

I was not going to waste my time going through the buying process and then going to customer service to deal with a mouth breathing minimum wage moron in a futile, frustrating, maddening attempt to get my money back.

So, I just decided to walk away and leave the eggs behind. I don't know what happened, really, I truly don't, but as I went to exit, somehow, something snagged the bag of eggs and they tumbled to the floor. As I swiftly exited I looked over my shoulder to see some yellow stuff oozing out.

I feel real bad about that.

I feel so bad, I will never waste my time in Krogers again.

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