Friday, April 3, 2009

The Good Works of Fort Worth's Ruling Junta

I'm reading a book where this guy tracks the route of Alexander the Great's conquests, some of which were in what later became part of the now gone Soviet Union. In this book the writer often makes note as to how Alexander's propagandist sent altered realities back to Greece for the consumption of the home front.

The Soviet Union used to have this propaganda tool called Pravda (Russian for Truth), which the Soviets used to manipulate their people with their lying spins on reality.

Why in the world am I talking about this? Well, here in Fort Worth we have what is known as a Ruling Junta. We really don't have what is known as a representative democracy. Some are trying to fix this, like Clyde Picht, who is trying to unseat Fort Worth's corrupt mayor, Mike Moncrief.

Fort Worth's Ruling Junta does not have Pravda, what they have is the Fort Worth Star-Telegram dispensing their version of the "TRUTH."

This was brought to mind a couple days ago when I was reading the letters to the editor in the Ruling Junta's online newspaper. It was a letter that was such a bad example of over the top propaganda I was appalled. Did the writer of this letter actually believe what he was writing? Or is he a mouthpiece/shill for the Ruling Junta? Who knows? Even though, apparently this guy is the mayor of North Richland Hills, he could still be a Ruling Junta shill. The Soviets used to plant people in their satellite states.

Anyway, here is the letter........

Thanks are due

Many thanks to the government leaders of Fort Worth for their continuing efforts to make the Dallas-Fort Worth region the best place to live in the United States. Mayor Mike Moncrief and the entire City Council work diligently for their residents to make Fort Worth the great place it is — and they still make time to help their neighbors improve the region.

Council members Jungus Jordan, Kathleen Hicks, Danny Scarth, Frank Moss, Carter Burdette, Sal Espino and Joel Burns are all active in the important regional issues we face. I often find them at many diverse functions pushing for a better quality of life for all residents in this area.

I personally thank the Fort Worth City Council for going above and beyond to work for a better life for all of us in North Texas.

— Oscar Trevino, mayor, North Richland Hills

How in the world is Fort Worth's Ruling Junta making an effort to make the D/FW region the best place to live in America? This is the best place to live in in America??? I've seen a lot of the rest of America. I beg to differ.

Mayor Mike and the entire city council work diligently to make Fort Worth the great city it is???

Examples, please, examples.

Is this guy talking about the boarding up of Heritage Park, it being where Fort Worth started and a monument to its heritage? Is this an example of the great work this city council is doing?

They still make time to help their neighbors improve the region??? Tell that to people who live along Fossil Creek in Haltom City.

1 comment:

  1. What has Kathleen Hicks done for the residents of District 8 in the past 4 years? Spent millions of our tax payer dollars on pet projects and claiming that as "Economic Development?" That isn't Economic Development in my book. Where is the private enterprise part of the picture? Meanwhile her District has had the highest (the highest) total crime of any Council District in the City of Ft. Worth every single year she's sat in the Council seat! Meanwhile she sits on how many Board of Directors? And for what reason? She has fought for what? She has done what? She has involved how many new people in local government? She has done what about the thousands of water main breaks in this District? She looks at her Blackberry how many times during meetings? She said what at the Trinity River Authority Board meeting on Feb. 9 when a project was delayed because of a Minority contractors unqualification that she is suppose to be leading the effort on? There is how many houses being torn down in Terrell Heights because crime has been allowed to go unchecked in how many years? How many PAC dollars have poured into her campaign in the last two years? The taxpayers pay for her to go on out-of-town trips for what reason and with how many quests in the room? PUH-LEEZE! Enough is enough!
    Vote Suzette Watkins for Council and please donate to my campaign if you have an extra $20.
    (This Political Advertisement Authorized by Suzette Watkins)
