Friday, April 17, 2009

A Rainy, Stormy Thundering Friday In Texas

That's the view from my computer room window this morning. It's looking like a typical Pacific Northwest winter day out there. But this is April in Texas. I should be seeing clear blue sky.

The rain is falling northwest style. Slow. Not the heavy Texas downpour style rain I've grown to like. If we have a few days in a row like this I fear I will slip once more into a very SAD (Seasonally Affected Disorder) state.

Obviously there will be no biking or hiking by me today. But I did get in my early morning swim. I like swimming in the rain. There was no thunder booming at that point in time. I don't think I'd like being in the pool with lightning flashing over head.

The storm arrived much later than predicted, so I was able to watch Survivor without it being interrupted by annoying Bad Weather Reports.

Thunder has been booming off and on for several hours. One lightning flash was so bright I was momentarily a bit blinded. Maybe it was the simultaneous LOUD BOOM that got my eyeballs vibrating and not the flash.

I'm being perplexed by a Blog Stalker from Tyler, Texas. Tyler keeps going back and forth from this blog to another blog. Why? We do not know. This has been going on for days.

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