Thursday, April 16, 2009

God, Gar the Texan & the Founding Fathers

It has perplexed and baffled me for quite some time why I have so many people happening upon my blog and so few seem to have discovered the extremely well-considered Random Ramblings of Gar the Texan.

Even more perplexing to me is how many Americans are so totally ignorant of their nation's actual history. The "Don't Believe in God" billboard has brought a lot of the ignorant crud out of the mud.

I'm afraid if some of the ignorant people were to learn what our Founding Fathers actually believed they would be so horrified they'd feel like they had to leave the country, because it was not the country they thought they were living in.

Gar the Texan, today, has done his usual excellent job of elaborating on a subject, this time he is elaborating on the actual beliefs of our Founding Fathers, people like Thomas Jefferson, John Adams, James Madison, Benjamin Franklin, Thomas Paine, George Washington and, even, though he was not a Founding Father, Abraham Lincoln.

Now, this research by Gar the Texan is particularly impressive due to the fact that it is only recently he discovered that some interesting things went on before he was born. He now seems to have evolved into some sort of history buff.

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