Thursday, April 2, 2009

Dallas Cop Robert Powell Quits & Wants To Apologize To Moats Family

As the scandal caused by his abuse of his police power continued to boil, Dallas Police Officer, Robert Powell resigned on April Fools' Day.

Somehow that seems appropriate, to resign on April Fool's Day, not that the resignation is a trick, but that this guy seems to be one big fool who should never have graduated from the Police Academy. Then again, I don't know if Texas Cops are required to graduate from a Police Academy.

In an April Fool's Day statement, released through his attorneys, Powell said he resigned "with a heavy heart and great sadness" and he wanted to apologize to his fellow officers, as well as to the Moats family.

"I still hope to speak with the Moats family to personally express my deep regret, sympathy and to apologize for my poor judgment and unprofessional conduct," Powell said in the statement. "I made this decision in the hope that my resignation will allow the Dallas Police Department, my fellow officers and the citizens of Dallas to better reflect on this experience, learn from the mistakes made and move forward."

An internal investigation into the incident will continue, Dallas police said.

I still think Powell should have been immediately fired as soon as his superiors viewed the video of his bizarre, inappropriate, borderline psycho conduct.

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