Tuesday, February 25, 2025

My Wichita Falls Log Cabin With Thin Man's Shadow & Lucy Park Backwoods Poodles

What you are seeing here is my Wichita Falls log cabin.

When I was significantly younger, than I am currently, I was a big fan of the idea of building a log cabin. 

Being a log cabin building fan caused me to attend a log cabin building seminar, somewhere in east King County, in my old Washington home zone. I do not remember the exact location. 

My log cabin building in Washington went so far as acquiring the logs to build a cabin. Those logs never made it to a log cabin end, but did end up being used in other projects, some of which made it with me to Texas.

Above you are looking at the Shadow of the Lucy Park Thin Man, communing with nature on this final Tuesday of the 2025 version of February. 

It was a semi-HOT walk through the Lucy Park backwoods, currently nowhere near being in jungle mode. That should be happening in about another month. Maybe two.

As you can clearly see via the photo documentation, there is nothing green and jungle-like, currently, in the Lucy Park backwoods. It looks a bit desolate.

Today whilst walking the backwoods I was assaulted by two giant poodles. They were cute, but way too enthusiastic.

Seems a bit weird to feel the need, today, to turn on my motorized motion device's air-conditioning function, what with it being only a few days ago I was shivering with the temperature feeling below zero, and all my heating devices, the vehicle's and my abode's heating device, struggling to warm up the air.

I do not recollect year's previous feeling so relieved to feel the worst of winter is now over.

Feeling such must be a function of being semi-elderly....

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