Saturday, February 22, 2025
Final February Saturday Hiking Lucy Park Backwoods
On this final Saturday of the second month of 2025, also known as February 22, it was to Lucy Park I ventured after being sort of ice bound for a couple days, with the temperature being way too cold to make it pleasant to remain long outdoors.
Way too cold, as in well below zero when the wind chill factor was factored into the real 7 degrees above zero, as measured via the Fahrenheit temperature measuring method.
Tomorrow, the final Sunday of the second month of 2025 we are currently scheduled to get heated to a temperature way above freezing, nearing 80 degrees.
This Texas-style temperature whipsawing gets a bit tiresome, but, even so, I am looking forward to getting whipsawed back to being back in shorts and t-shirt, needing no gloves, when enjoying the outer world.
In the above photo documentation, we are looking south whilst in the Lucy Park backwoods zone, currently not in jungle mode.
But, green should return as the dominant color in a month, or two.
I am not remembering how soon after the arrival of Spring that green returns...
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