Friday, September 13, 2024

Riding With Mr. Spiffy Via WAYMO All Over The Phoenix Area

From July of 2017 til July of 2019 I found myself in Arizona multiple times. Twice via driving, multiple times via flying.

During each of those Arizona visits, whilst driving around in the Phoenix metro area, I would see WAYMO self-driving test cars on the road, being tested. 

When a WAYMO car would pull up next to me at a stoplight I could see there was no driver, but there was someone in the passenger seat.

This seemed a tad unsettling to me. 

And now, a couple days ago, on Facebook, via the DFW entity known as Dapper John, aka Mr. Spiffy, I learned WAYMO is now active. Mr. Spiffy used WAYMO to transport himself all around the Phoenix area, including the airport.

I have driven into the Phoenix Sky Harbor International Airport multiple times. Doing so is a tad stressful, particularly at rush hour.

I remember a particularly stressful drive to the Phoenix airport, with mom in the passenger seat, next to me, and Linda Lou in the backseat, being delivered to the airport. I nearly had a wreck moving over a couple lanes to get to the airport exit.

Mr. Spiffy seemed quite pleased with how well WAYMO worked, basically a driver-less UBER.

And now, this morning, I read WAYMO is coming to Austin. 

Soon, I am sure WAYMO will be here in Wichita Falls...

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